Duke +Programs logo

Code+ is one of several full-time co-curricular summer learning opportunities for students known as the +Programs. Many of them -- including Data+, Climate+, CS+, Applied Ethics+, and the new I&E+ -- follow a similar 10-week framework. The +Programs collaborate on planning, activities, and events, and coordinate work/living locations to foster a sense of community for the students. Story+, Math+, and the new History+ and Arts+ programs are shorter in duration.

Graphic showing various plus programs along a horizontal axis and impact areas for Durham, climate and security as verticals





The +Programs have expanded to include impact areas, taking on projects that address challenges the Durham community, our climate, and cybersecurity.


Data+ is a research experience that welcomes undergraduate and masters students interested in exploring new data-driven approaches to interdisciplinary challenges. It is suitable for students from all class years and from all majors. Students join small project teams (at most 3 undergrads and 1 master’s student per team), working alongside other teams in a communal environment. They learn how to marshal, analyze, and visualize data, while gaining broad exposure to the modern world of data science.

Learn more about Data+


CS+ involves Duke undergraduates in computer science research projects with faculty in a fast-paced and supportive community environment. Students participate in teams of three to four, and are jointly mentored by a faculty project lead and a graduate student mentor. The experience is meant as a rich entry point into computer science research and applications beyond the classroom.

Learn more about CS+


Climate+ is offered within Data+ and is aligned with the Duke Climate Commitment, which unites the university’s education, research, operations and public service missions to address the climate crisis. The commitment builds on Duke’s longstanding leadership in climate, energy and sustainability to educate and deploy a generation of climate- and sustainability-fluent innovators and create just, equitable solutions for all.

Learn more about Climate+

Applied Ethics+

Applied Ethics+ is hosted by the Duke Initiative for Science and Society. Interdisciplinary teams of Duke undergraduate and graduate students work with ground-breaking host organizations addressing pressing real-world challenges in policy, technology, research, and ethics. Participating students learn how to critically assess policy and ethical issues related to research and technology with hosts who are leaders in shaping society through science and technology.

Learn more about Applied Ethics+


Story+ is a 6-week paid summer research experience for Duke students—undergraduates and graduates—interested in exploring interdisciplinary arts, interpretive social sciences, and humanities research topics and methodologies. The program combines hands-on research with storytelling to create dynamic outcomes for diverse public audiences. Story+ is a John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute program.

Learn more about Story+


Math+ (formerly DOmath) is a program for collaborative student research in all areas of mathematics. The program consists of groups of two to four undergraduate students working together for eight weeks on a single project, and is open to all Duke undergraduates. Each team is led by a faculty mentor assisted by a graduate student. 

Learn more about Math+

New in 2024



History+ is a mentored research experience for Duke undergraduates. Over eight weeks, several student teams are mentored by a graduate student and faculty mentor. Projects are intended to result in a specific deliverable that can be shared with the Duke, Durham, or North Carolina communities.

Learn more about History+


Run by Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship, I&E+ is a 10-week program that provides students with a hands-on business and research experience. Students work in teams of two and are matched with a local client to understand their needs -- taking into account market challenges, culture, and brand, among other factors -- and present a recommendation.

Learn more about I&E+


Arts + is a six-week summer experience for graduate and undergraduate students grounded in the arts. An initiative of Duke Arts, Arts + sheds light on the behind-the-scenes work of arts administration and the creative work required to build an artistic product. 

Learn more about Arts+

Impact Area: Durham

Launched the summer of 2023, the Durham impact area has been developed to deepen our engagement with and support of the Durham community. By partnering with Duke's Office of Durham and Community Affairs, local stakeholders (residents, community leaders, elected officials, etc.), and other partners, the program empowers student teams to effect change beyond campus.



Impact Area: Security

Cybersecurity is an area that has become critical for the constant evolution of our digital world. We must be prepared to adapt to new technologies and strategies that will build a safer and more secure online space for users, businesses, and governments. Students participating in this impact area work on project teams led by professionals from the Duke University IT Security Office, and focus on cybersecurity topics that touch on incident response, system and network forensics, malware analysis, vulnerability testing, and other emerging security practices. The program began in summer 2023.