
Expanding Access to Duke Forest Data


Year: 2021

A team of students will work with the Duke Forest Office, the Office of Information Technology, and other partners to analyze and expand access to a collection of spatial datasets documenting research project locations, associated infrastructure, and forest characteristics (forest cover type, soil, topography, historical sites, hydrology, etc.). Using these datasets, the students will select, analyze, and build an application that shows current research sites and associated infrastructure, as well as a profile of the forest system. It will also include the potential to allow users of the interface to download data with permission. This online application will be used by several key stakeholders: 1) prospective Duke Forest researchers, to identify and evaluate potential research sites based on criteria; 2) Duke Forest staff, to share data with registered teaching and research users that request specific data for the purposes of their project; and 3) Duke Forest staff, to rapidly identify and assess current research assets throughout the Forest to quickly respond to impacts from severe weather events and manage inquiries related to activities that may conflict with ongoing research uses.

Watch the team's final presentation on YouTube.





