
Malicious Code Detonation Tester


Year: 2020

There are approximately 125 million emails sent/received at Duke during a given month. Of those emails, approximately 68 million are blocked as suspicious (spam, malware, virus, etc.). However, numerous phishing attacks get through each month and make it to users' inboxes. These phishing attacks entice users to click on a URL or open an attachment to install malware on their computers. A team of Duke students will work closely with Duke's Information Technology Security Office to develop  an easy to use malware sandbox that can receive URLs and files and load them in a safe, isolated environment.

Duke stakeholders: IT Security Office, Office of Information Technology

Final Solution

Malware Attachment Analysis

Every month, millions of emails with malicious code are sent throughout Duke networks. The Malware Attachment Analysis web application allows anyone in the Duke community to quickly scan files and emails to detect malicious code and viruses. Using an intuitive, responsive design for everyday users, the application leverages Django and libraries such as Yara and VirusTotal. This project aimed to contribute towards a safer online environment for all Duke community members.

View the team's final presentation on YouTube.





