
Models for Remote Digital Systems Design Education


Year: 2020

In conjunction with the Office of Information Technology and Dr. Board (Professor in ECE), a team of students will research and develop new ways to deliver digital systems design education that will allow both in-person and remote participants to have similar program experiences. The students will explore new hardware and software platforms for delivering lab and project content, rewrite lab and project experiences and related tools and applications to use these new platforms, and test these environments under conditions similar to those faced by attendees participating from all over the world with a mix of good and bad internet connectivity, and long and short latency.

Duke stakeholder: Pratt School of Engineering

Final Solution

Covid-19 has surfaced the great challenge of offering laboratory-intensive courses in an online format. This team has revised the hardware platforms and software toolchains that are used in digital systems education at Duke. The goal was to have a new course lab experience that is equally in-depth and intensive for students on campus, at home, or in quarantine. The new hardware/software lab environment is inexpensive and compact enough to mail home to any student who needs it, promoting co-equal participation of remote and local students in digital systems education.

View the team's final presentation on YouTube.



